May not have seemed very long to you folks, but that's because you probably stop and sleep every night. What a waste of time. So, to begin at the end... I'm still processing. I received a very sharp blow to my very large ego near the end of the trip and then it was lifted again. Not sure where that leaves it... So I was staying at Emmy and Morgan's house... a house packed full of friends, a crazy lady and one stranger. That would be TJ, from Indiana. The stranger, not the crazy lady. Don't know how he ended up there, but that's not the point. He's largely considered a git and not in a good way. But I had permission (I love those guys, they insist on saying yes, no, or passible to every person of the male persuasion I come across...he was rated passible), and well, I was drunk and bored, so I said, hey, why not? If I could count the number of times those three words have led to shaking my poor hung-over head I would have to invent a new number. Well, he'd been remotely friendly, and had, at the very beginning, invited me to sleep in his bed. This remark started quite a few laughs. So, 2 hours before I had to leave the state for another year, I climbed out of the shower and into his bed. I asked, the offer was still good. Yeah, what did he do? He climbed out. Drunk, naked me delivered straight to his bed and he has the gall to climb out?!?! What the hell was that? I asked him when we were leaving, Where di you go? His reply was, "When a naked woman I've BARELY MET climbs in my bed, my reaction is to throw the blanket over her and move. Besides, when you got here you asked if I would be in the bed and I said no." In his defense, the last part is true. I, having not fallen off a turnip truck yesterday, did indeed ask when he said I could sleep in his bed if he would be in it. I just don't remember him ever giving a direct answer. Nor did I expect him to live up to it!! I don't know what they do to you in Indiana for such an offense, but I believe that in California, they reposess your dick. Obviously, you don't deserve one. Needless to say, there will be no second chance.
Then, after arriving in San Jose, while sitting innocently at the light rail station trying to decide on breakfast, I was hit on... twice. Of course they were crazy, don't be silly, do I attract anything else? One couldn't figure out what I was talking about when I said I'd give him my number, but it wouldn't do him much good as I live two time zones away. "Oh, in the East Bay," he says. No, not in the East Bay. The Gulf of Mexico. The other offered to buy a ticket right now and come home with me. And flashed enough cash to do it. Yes, he is a "recovering drug dealer/gang member." Apparently, I wasn't quite enthusiastic enough about the idea for him. I just said that it's a free country, he can go anywhere he wants. He was pretty cute, but he seemed to have some baggage and if I lug him across country, he'll probably want me to deal with it.
So, in conclusion, I repelled a git from Indiana and attracted a weirdo and a drug dealer. Sorry, recovering drug dealer. Where does that leave me? Dorian says I should marry a Marine on his way to Germany. They have Marine bases there. He says that then I should leave him and just stay in Germany. I explained that one, marriage is scary, two, Marines can't decide to go to Germany, and three, what if I dissapear on him and he goes all action hero to my rescue?? Could get ugly. Marines are known for imitating action heroes, I believe it's in their job description. I wouldn't put it past them. And again... Marriage is Scary. It's not like there's a dating sight for women who have a fetish for marrying Marines about to go to non-wartorn places like Germany. That's just silly.
The other thing is, I miss home so much. Everybody says I should move back. I want to. That's where the best things and the worst things have happened. That's my highest and lowest place. It's home. It was so nice to have memories on every corner. To know exactly where I was going even when it's 60 miles away. To walk down every road I've walked down a million times before. Somebody came up and asked me for directions and I knew exactly where to send her. It's so comfortable. More than that, the attitudes are the same. I have San Jose opinions and San Jose beliefs. I have a San Jose accent and a San Jose attitude. I understand the locals and they understand me. I didn't stop running the whole time I was there and I was never tired. I didn't want to miss one precious moment. It was an amazing feeling. Home. I've got so many more places I want to see, but I want to go home. I don't usually stay away this long. Usually, I move back every year or so for a while. But this time I haven't. I want to though. I didn't wanna come back so fast.
Christopher is doing GREAT. It's amazing how big and smart and happy he is. I love him so much. I just kept staring at him. I can't believe how fast he's growing. Wow. There will be more about him later, after I get past the Wow. I love him. He loved his presents, the handknit slippers and the Legos and the forest cake. I told him that I don't bring cakes for anyone else... he's so special I work on special cakes and haul them across country just for him. He was impressed.
**UPDATE**: 7/1/07: In fact, there IS a dating site for women who have a fetish for Marines going to non war-torn countries like Germany... it's called Military Singles and it's not the only one. I swear to God I was looking for circular needle sets when I found it. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.