So the house is a mess, I'm so broke I owe broke money, and I can't seem to get up off my ass to do anything about anything. But, on the plus side, I now have Eddy. Eddy is a security guard for a firm near Lee Circle and obviously very bored. I see him every night on my way home and I always say hi. He asked me the other night why he hasn't seen me in a while and I told him, I had taken a break from walking due to being mugged. He drove me home and has insisted on doing so since. I have my reservations... he seems to be a very sweet personable man who is just being friendly... I hope this is the case. Let's just say, there is no such thing as a free lunch. While I'm more than happy to bring Eddy cookies or something for his kindness, I worry that at some point, he will imply that I owe him something. Eddy is not my type... I think he has children older than me. Let's just all hope that I'm my paranoid-schauvanist mother's daughter.
So my friend Emi has been dragging me to all her pet websites with friend invites... nevermind that Emi has, apparently and from all accounts, much more time to devote to such things. And that Emi and I don't talk very often because she goes to sleep by the time I come home from work. She and her husband have been very good to me and I count them as dear friends. They are also fun to spend time with. First, it was Tagged, the most juvenile networking site I've been associated with since Bolt if Bolt even still exists since that was 5 years ago. Maybe more than 5. Now it's Goodreads. I'm all for goodreads, as it's about books, and I like books. But it does seem a bit silly to have a website about books... the one is not the equal of the other... That one, I've dragged my friend Melisssa to. And now, I'll grant you a widget so you can see what I'm up to there...
In other news, after days of attempts, I defeated the internet connection and managed to upload these pictures of my son, his cake, and us together. There is also a picture of my friend and her 3 year old. I must say it's a great picture of them. That is all for now... I have coasters to knit and a house to CLEAN. Really, I mean, when I can't stand the mess anymore, it's BAD.