Sunday, July 15, 2007

Jumping Hoops, and how to make boys do it for cookies..

Ok, so I've decided to go back to whoring it up, painting the town black and blue and such.... and it's going rather well, really.
So there's Steve. He's geeky, but he'll follow me anywhere and we all know I like the ego rubbed as well as other parts. Actually, I'm thinking of setting him up with my friend Jodi, but it has to be approached delicately, best to do it when he's in an agreeing mood.
And there's Dennis. I like Dennis a lot. Which says volumes about him. He's despicably like me. Which says that my ego has gotten so big it's approaching narcissism... in fact, he's so much like me that last night he pulled something that I've pulled a million times and it pissed me off soooo much. He ditched me. No second "date" a couple days later.... he's fighting the addiction and I know what he's doing because I've done it myself a few (million) times. I'm, of course, furious. I don't like to be turned down. It dents the ego and that's a bad move. Now let's see if he knows the rest of the game and will make it up to me properly.
He's a line cook, and we all know that one shouldn't date line cooks because by and large they have one brain and they keep it locked away in sweaty pants in desparate need of circulation. But he's really, really cute. And we get along on so many things... like the need to wander from state to state. And he has uses. Some of them even involve him wearing pants. Really. Not many, granted, but some of them... I swear.
Tonight I'm going out with Matt. Matt is older and distinctly clean-cut. Now he's been warned, fairly, that I am younger and the polar opposite of clean-cut, but he says that's what he's looking for.... we shall see. This of course, is a perfect excuse to be on my very worst behavior. We're going out late to play pool and drink. So I will wear something that will distract him from the pool table and make him put all my many many drinks on his tab. That's the plan. We'll see how he handles it. Should be entertaining.... it's my sociology experiment for the week.
And then tomorrow, John is taking me to the wine bar around the corner. I expect I will be tired and less vivacious than usual. I plan to wear something low-key and try to maintain a conversation.. some wine should help with that. And in case you're wondering, NOT THAT JOHN, hell no. He can rot in Nevada for all I care. I'm usually not this venemous about my exes, but I can't help it, it's like kicking a puppy dog and it forgets five seconds later and comes running after you again... it gets frustrating.

Anyhow, it's time to go to work. Wish me luck in all my endeavors. Hope Dennis wises up, I like him naked. A lot. And if he doesn't behave, he won't be naked any time soon. Depressing. Argh. Very, very frustrated!!!

Addendum: Matt is great fun. He's asleep now. Dennis would like to see me Thursday. I've told him maybe, if I'm not busy sleeping. I am angry about it, and he ought to know what angers me so that he doesn't do it again. I hope he listens well. Please God, let him listen well. I think we may need to have the "I'm not one of those clingy girls" talk... explain that it's a good plan to come when I say, because I may stop saying at any time. I mean, I like him a lot. But I 'm not going to drop my life plans or anything, or drop all the other men in my life... so it's good to enjoy what you've got while you've got it. That's what I plan on doing...

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