Wednesday, August 22, 2007

I'm excessively verbose... and the sanity is leaving in little annoying drips like a leaky faucet...

It's appalling really. And I have the urge to flee. It is a strong urge. I want to leave almost everything behind and just run. Run for the hills and hide in the arms of someone much stronger than me. In a cave. A bug and bat free cave. Preferably someone cute.

Yeah, I'm a lunatic. So that short story I was writing.... yeah, no, it's not finished yet. It's becoming a short book. The entire story takes place in a week. One week. And yet it has taken me about two to get through the first two days. I keep trying to pick up the pace... it's not cooperating. Nope. I'm on the second little tiny notebook. Oh yeah, diving right into the second notebook with no looking back... Remember, it's a seven day story.... two days in a little over one tiny notebook.... five more to go. Shit. I refuse to edit or transcribe it or read anything bigger than a sign until it's done. I'm terrified that I will lose the voice. It has a sad, quiet, calm voice and if I lose it, I may never get it back. Then it will permanently be just over one notebook.... and it will make me crazy. So I'm stuck finishing this fucking book... at least it's only a one week story. Maybe I can get it done in a month or so.... But I feel bad not reading the book Lloyd brought me. These notebooks aren't that tiny... I'm not talking Post-it's here... I'm talking 80 2-sided 3 x 5 pages... and I write small. All this is in pencil mind you... I'm tearing through graphite...and erasers. And I'm soooo scared I'll lose it. I only have one copy and it goes everywhere with me. Because I'm constantly working on it... whenever I can catch the voice, I work on it. When I have time, of course. Yeah, so second notebook, just made it to the third morning.... Jesus.... this is gonna take a while to type. But I'm so afraid I'll start editing and rewriting as soon as I start transcribing... so I'm not allowed to transcribe it until it's fucking done. Which I hope happens sometime soon.... although it doesn't look like it. It's 4 am and I'm in the throes of it.

Oh, and my brother is getting married in October. Because they want to have a baby and they want to be married first. Don't get me started. I'm totally freaking out about it. But I'm in the middle of writing now, so I have to get back to it. Jesus. I definitely need to jump out of a plane... maybe that'll clear my head a little....